Monday, November 10, 2014

DIY -- still more clothes

You didn't like my last post on this subject, did you?
Well, go back to the Vogue patterns site.
Now, look at the menu on the left.
Use the links to Butterick or McCalls.
They have menus with a Plus Size entry.
There are some cute dress patterns there, that go beyond the sizes Vogue offers.
So while you are working on losing that weight the way I am
You can make yourself some nice stuff to wear.
Not black.
Not knits.  Well, not necessarily.
Try to find a pattern that has more than one size;
When you drop a clothing size, you can make the same thing in a smaller size.
And before you get mad at me for keying on women's wear,
let me remind you that there are Big and Tall Men shops
but not Big and Tall women shops.
Adding to the problem of not being able to find skirts in one size
and jackets in another size
with a guarantee that they were made from the same bolt of cloth.
Which men have no trouble finding.
No, it's not fair.
We have to make fair for ourselves.

© Patricia Jo Heil, 2013-2018 All Rights Reserved

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