Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Fact-Checking the Torah -- quick note

This just in from our "turn it over and over" department. I added a comment to the following post.

Couple or three points.

First, the Babylonian and Jerusalem schools of Torah do things different ways. However, they have the same basis, Torah amplified and explained by Mishnah. Babylonian Talmud simply reports the conclusion, and by tagging it to a specific scholar, might be rejecting it.

Jerusalem Talmud is much more pegged to the actual text, and narratives like this are illustrations. I'll come back to that after I finish demolishing Documentary Hypothesis.

Second. You can never rest on your laurels if you want a rep for knowing Judaism. Once you know something about Torah, you have to also know something about Tannakh.  You have to know Mishnah.  You have to know Gemara. The more you know about BOTH Gemaras, the more you know about each of them. And so on.

"The more you know" means how they connect back into Mishnah, and Mishnah back into Torah, and how Tannakh relates to them.

So get on the stick, use the Fact-Checking Resources page to find free resources, and start working on your rep or bucket list or chops or whatever you want to call it.

© Patricia Jo Heil, 2013-2018 All Rights Reserved

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