Sunday, October 15, 2017

Garden -- quiiet

Here's Mike McGrath's bucket list for this week's garden.

Mike posted something last week that must come from his deep hatred for "tree rats". He suggested not putting out bird seed, just suet, thinking the rats wouldn't eat it.

I emailed him saying my observation is otherwise. No matter how much cayenne I put on the suet, the squirrels still get it and then they play with the plastic container.

Plus I have birds who have depended on me for winter food for years. They are already lining up and claiming turf so they can use my feeder, and eat dry grain  under my porch roof and raisins off the little brick tongue that leads to the yard and walk. They've raised kids in my backyard. I'm responsible for them.

So I will continue to keep my water rifle charged so I can train young squirrels out of attacking my stuff.

By the way, one thing not on Mike's list this week that I know he has said in past years is,

It doesn't get enough sun to grow and it needs the green to insulate the roots from the cold and snow. Even if we do get a thaw, you cannot count on it lasting until we get to about  April. And even then we've had some very cold and snowy Aprils in the DC region.

So do right by your grass. You'll do less work now and less swearing later.

© Patricia Jo Heil, 2013-2018 All Rights  Reserved

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