Sunday, July 21, 2024

Mendel Beilis -- the YIVO records

This turned up in a google search over the weekend. YIVO is the Institute for Jewish Research, concentrating on eastern Europe.

I have given this link to Jay Beilis, Mendel's grandson. You can download the file for your private use but I have to make one thing crystal clear. On page 28 is a typed letter between two people interested in the case.

It unequivocally declares that Mendel Beilis was acquitted by the jury.

Anti-Semites will try to persuade you otherwise, but the same conclusion comes out of the trial transcript, if you read Russian. Which I do. My translation is here.

Page 31 shows that Pranaitis' claims were "exploded" years before Beilis was arrested, let alone tried. Because Pranaitis plagiarized Eisenmenger, this means Eisenmenger is also exploded. Since Laible and by derivation Herford used Eisenmenger, they are also exploded. What they say about references to Jesus in the Talmud is a lot of malarkey. Anti-Semites will also claim the contrary of this.

Several of the letters show that physicians and psychologists all over Europe debunked Prof. Sikorsky's claims about ritual murder and blasted him for saying what he did.

Several letters are addressed to a Mr. Montefiore, who was not the philanthropist and Zionist Moses Montefiore, who died in 1885. It also could not be his heir, Sir Joseph Sebag-Montefiore, who died in 1903. It is clear that the Montefiore referenced in the letters worked with Lord Rothschild, who obtained Vatican copies of bulls and encyclicals which refuted part of Pranaitis' testimony. Page 98 from October 21st (Gregorian) 1913 confirms Cardinal Merry del Val's answer to Rothschild.

Page 149 refers to a leading article in the London Times on November 13, 1913, about Russia, which reflected western condemnation of Russia for the Beilis case. You have to have an account to access this article. Anybody who does can find a link to it here, if Google turned up the right result.

Many of the YIVO papers are in German and in handwriting at that. I can read German but I didn't stop to absorb them. You're welcome to them.

Every new bit of evidence in this case is precious and this set of records makes one thing clear. Anti-Semites believe that everybody who is not Jewish agrees with them, secretly if not publicly. There is always massive evidence to the contrary and these records give some of it, including the Times article.

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