Friday, May 10, 2024

Clearing up a lot of ignorance Part 6

So another ignoramus on Twitter brought up something I remember hearing about before but forgot about. The idea that Jews are Khazars.

Let's review the bidding.

Jews descended in the male line tend to have the NE Anatolian Neolithic J1/J2 Y-chromosome subclade also found in other Semitic peoples, including Muslim Palestinians. (Christian Palestinians tend to have an East African E33 subclade suggesting Coptic descent)

Jews descended from converts can have any subclade there is: Incan; Indian subcontinent; Ethiopian; Indo-European; Chinese either in those living in China or those descended from travelers on the Silk Road centuries ago; African L33, including the L33e found in the Americas. So far I don't know of evidence for C-M, K-M or S-P Australian indigenous subclades but I haven't checked.

Among Khazars, the subclades include R1a, C2b, G2a, N1a, Q, and R1b. R1a is a Siberian subclade which spread to the west before 1200 BCE. It occurs in Mycenaean Greeks, in populations outside the Basque country, but is very rare in Italy. Q is also Siberian. C2b is East Asian,

The G2a subclade is all over Europe and currently is strongest around Switzerland and Austria. It would only show up in Jews descended from converts. Otzi the iceman falls into this subclade. 

The subclade that Ashkenazi Jews have is G2b which has the same origins as J1/J2 and is also found in Pakistan.

N1a comes from the Arabian peninsula. It would make more sense for the idiot on Twitter to say that all Arabs are Khazars than to say that all Ashkenazi Jews are Khazars.

Why didn't the idiot say that? Well, A, she wants Jews to go "back" to wherever, the further the better.

B, she has this hazy idea of the Jewish Khazar kingdom that conquered Ukraine and was later overwhelmed by the Turks. 

C. she really knows nothing about genetics, it's the Swiss or Arabs who have DNA in common with the Khazars.

By the way, if you think I'm snarky in these posts, you should see what I do to people who talk about "black" and "white" and "brown".

So just thank your lucky stars that you're not an idiot.

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