Sunday, October 22, 2017

Outdoors -- the Gathering 2018

They're heeere.

For the last two days I've been hearing the quiet "seet" of the dark-eyed juncos, but not seeing them.

This morning I heard my local white-throated sparrow call a few times.

The chickadees have been chuckling at each other for a week, apparently establishing turf.

What I'm hearing is, it's going to be a tough winter.

Now, some of these are probably old birds who remember that last year, I put out food starting in early October. We had a drought and I was pretty sure they were out of food.

This year they seem to be endorsing what the crickets already told me: winter is going to be cold and a bit early.

The crickets started trying to get into my house at the end of August. Since I have no cat, I have to kill them myself and I got all six of them.

It's been worse but I'm not looking forward to winter even with all my sweaters and shawls.

Anyway, being a weak disciplinarian, I filled the feeder and hung it out today as well as sprinkling some feed on the ground.

The juncos have little stubby necks and don't do as well as other sparrows on the feeder.

The mockingbird is still eating holly berries and pokeberries so I have a little time to stock up on raisins. And sunflower seeds for the cardinals.

The jays can go fish. They're on their own.

© Patricia Jo Heil, 2013-2018 All Rights Reserved

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