This is the list of nearly 200 witnesses who spoke at trial, keyed to the transcript and translation.
Photo essay at the Chabad/Lubavitch website
These are links to the transcript (in Russian) and to materials I used to write the "murder mystery" version of my translation, The Anvil.
The transcript (in Russian) DJVU format!
Kievlyanin newspaper articles. These can be hard to read because of low contrast, also they use the pre-Soviet orthography.
1911 (start with issue #80)
1913 (includes trial coverage)
Other information on the Blood Libel in Russia
This includes A.S. Tager's 1934 Tsarist Russian and the Beilis Case,
and Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich's Sign of the Times
Historical maps of Kiev
Bismuth poisoning, page 309
Forensic serology, page 41
The following works referenced in the transcript are available on-line free.
Gregory X, On the Protection of the Jews (English) Documenta Catholica Omnia
Innocent IV, Lachrymabilem Judaeorum Alemannie
IN paper by Cardinal Lorenzo Ganganelli, later Pope Clement XIV, (English) see page 97
IN Simon Grayzel's Church and the Jews in the 13th Century (Latin) Hathi Trust
Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, Israël chez les nations (French) Google Books
(English) Google Books
Johann Preuss, Biblische-talmudische medizin (German)
Daniil Khvolson, About Some Medieval Accusations Against the Jews (Russian) Google Books
Meir Balaban, On the Frankists (Hebrew) HebrewBooks.Org
Yonatan Eybeshutz, Luchot Edut (on the 1759 Lvov dispute) (Hebrew*) HebrewBooks.Org
* You will need to know the specialized Rashi script to read this.
A.D. Franck, Kabbala or the Hebrew Philosophy (contains Frankist manifesto) (French)
August Rohling, Talmud Jude (German)
Josef Bloch, Gegen die Anti-Semiten (against Rohling) (German) Google Books
Hermann Strack, Der Blutaberglaube in der Menschheit, Blutmorde und Blutritus (German) Google Books
Hermann Strack, Judische Geheimsetze? (against Rohling and Ecker) (German) Google Books
Friedrich Frank Ritualmord vor der Gerichtshofen (German) Google Books
Franz Delitsch Rohlings Talmudjude (German)
Josef Perl, Revealer of Secrets (Megaleh Temerin) Google Books
Erfurt Program, Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum Google Books
Pranaitis' texts
Neophyte (Greek)
Jakob Ecker, Judenspiegel (German; Shmakov's Russian translation is here)
Johann Eisenmenger, Entdecketes Judentum I, IIer Theil (German)
The following sites have more works online free. Talmud, Midrash Halakhah, Mishneh Torah, Tannakh (texts and audio) Tannakh, Talmud, Midrash, Mishneh Torah (Site is in Hebrew) Talmud texts, audio, study guides, study schedules Audio lectures in Torah, Mishnah, Babylonian Talmud (Yeshivish) Mishneh Torah in English and Hebrew, audio and video lectures on Chassidism including R. Shneur Zalman of Lyady's Tanya Numerous works such as
Arbaah Turim,
Eyn Yaaqov,
Or Sameach,
Sefer Raziel,
Sefer Yetsirah,
Tikkun Yssachar
(Site is in Hebrew)
This includes A.S. Tager's 1934 Tsarist Russian and the Beilis Case,
and Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich's Sign of the Times
Bonch-Bruyevich on the trial
(in Russian)
Mendel Beilis' autobiography (Yiddish) Di Geshichte fun Meine Leiden
Arnold Davidovich Margolin's Jews of Eastern Europe
Part II, Chapter 2 is about the Beilis case
Vasily Sergeevich Maklakov's Vospominaniya
(Memoirs, in Russian; Maklakov was one of Beilis' defense attorneys)
(in Russian)
Mendel Beilis' autobiography (Yiddish) Di Geshichte fun Meine Leiden
Arnold Davidovich Margolin's Jews of Eastern Europe
Part II, Chapter 2 is about the Beilis case
Vasily Sergeevich Maklakov's Vospominaniya
(Memoirs, in Russian; Maklakov was one of Beilis' defense attorneys)
Oscar Gruzenberg's Vchera: Vospominaniya (Russian)
Historical maps of Kiev
Bismuth poisoning, page 309
Forensic serology, page 41
The following works referenced in the transcript are available on-line free.
Gregory X, On the Protection of the Jews (English) Documenta Catholica Omnia
Innocent IV, Lachrymabilem Judaeorum Alemannie
IN paper by Cardinal Lorenzo Ganganelli, later Pope Clement XIV, (English) see page 97
IN Simon Grayzel's Church and the Jews in the 13th Century (Latin) Hathi Trust
Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, Israël chez les nations (French) Google Books
(English) Google Books
Johann Preuss, Biblische-talmudische medizin (German)
Daniil Khvolson, About Some Medieval Accusations Against the Jews (Russian) Google Books
Meir Balaban, On the Frankists (Hebrew) HebrewBooks.Org
Yonatan Eybeshutz, Luchot Edut (on the 1759 Lvov dispute) (Hebrew*) HebrewBooks.Org
* You will need to know the specialized Rashi script to read this.
A.D. Franck, Kabbala or the Hebrew Philosophy (contains Frankist manifesto) (French)
August Rohling, Talmud Jude (German)
Josef Bloch, Gegen die Anti-Semiten (against Rohling) (German) Google Books
Hermann Strack, Der Blutaberglaube in der Menschheit, Blutmorde und Blutritus (German) Google Books
Hermann Strack, Judische Geheimsetze? (against Rohling and Ecker) (German) Google Books
Friedrich Frank Ritualmord vor der Gerichtshofen (German) Google Books
Franz Delitsch Rohlings Talmudjude (German)
Josef Perl, Revealer of Secrets (Megaleh Temerin) Google Books
Erfurt Program, Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum Google Books
Pranaitis' texts
Neophyte (Greek)
Jakob Ecker, Judenspiegel (German; Shmakov's Russian translation is here)
Johann Eisenmenger, Entdecketes Judentum I, IIer Theil (German)
The following sites have more works online free. Talmud, Midrash Halakhah, Mishneh Torah, Tannakh (texts and audio) Tannakh, Talmud, Midrash, Mishneh Torah (Site is in Hebrew) Talmud texts, audio, study guides, study schedules Audio lectures in Torah, Mishnah, Babylonian Talmud (Yeshivish) Mishneh Torah in English and Hebrew, audio and video lectures on Chassidism including R. Shneur Zalman of Lyady's Tanya Numerous works such as
Arbaah Turim,
Eyn Yaaqov,
Or Sameach,
Sefer Raziel,
Sefer Yetsirah,
Tikkun Yssachar
(Site is in Hebrew)
Newly available:
Albert Monniot's work in French (by an anti-Drefusard):
PDF downloadable --
Rabbi Harry Mayer's sermon: read-only.
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